GGI Geneva Group International AG Apps

GGI 1.3
Welcome to Geneva Group International, one of the world’s leadingorganizations of independent law, accounting, audit &consulting firms ( The GGI app offers you quick andeasy access to the GGI register of members, details of all currentGGI events, the GGI corporate video and GGI contact details: -GGIMember Search Users are taken directly to a map with all membersdisplayed as pins. Click on a pin and a small pop-up appears withthe name of the member and a “detail button”, which takes the userto a page displaying the details/contact information of the memberin question. Email addresses and telephone numbers are interactive.Click on either to open the email program or make a call. -GGIEvents The event tab displays an up-to-date list of all future GGIevents which you can also add into your personal calendar (iCal). Alink takes users to the online registration facility on the GGIwebsite. Clicking on “Past Events” brings up details of all eventsthat have already taken place. -GGI Corporate Video The video willbe displayed in full-screen mode with the usual player controls,including an mobile optimised version. -GGI Contact Detailedcontact information of GGI Head office and GGI Regional offices(e.g. addresses, telephone numbers & email addresses) isdisplayed under “Contacts” and is arranged by region. About GGI Intoday's international markets, having a strong presence isessential. That's why international contacts are so important. Anin-depth understanding of local legal and fiscal differences is amust for businesses to be successful in their cross-borderactivities. To achieve this, businesses need access to professionaland approachable experts in each country. Geneva GroupInternational has a worldwide alliance of well-established andexperienced law, accounting, audit & consulting firms that arecommitted to providing clients with specialist solutions for theirinternational business requirements. If you are interested injoining the organization to expand your international potential foryour clients or want to know more about how you could benefit fromworking with Geneva Group International, you'll find all theanswers on our website